What I Did At Work Today, 2024
It's 2024 and my job today was to create a custom skill for a cognitive search indexer. The custom skill was to be invoked after the out-of-the-box skills were used to read text and images, convert them into a single file, split it into smaller chunks, and then detect keywords. The problem was that the keywords it extracted were not very business relevant. So, I built a tiny Node JS function app configured with an array of keywords to detect, deployed it to Azure (well, VS Code deployed it to Azure, I just clicked a button).
I then updated my skillset to pass the chunks to this API to detect matches. ChatGPT wrote the Regexes for me, but I was the one that told it what ones to write, and then the one who tested it and found that it had assumed I wanted to look ahead to the end of the chunk even though I clearly said exclude only the next word. But perhaps I'm the idiot because I didn't create an agent grid and have one model executing predefined test cases. There's only so many hours in a day...
I felt motivated to do this today. Partly because it would be a nice change from SvelteKit/TypeScript/Pocketbase/Tailwind development which I did on the weekend, partly because it was cool. Mostly because I had a 4pm meeting to demo it already scheduled.
I did get the indexing working with the new custom field/skillset. It felt good writing that odata query and seeing the filter bring back records with the matching keywords. Alas the demo did not happen because key people were on holiday.
Hopefully the way this is going we will all be on holiday soon. But perhaps I am looking ahead too far.