I Lost My Stories

Every now and then my mind drifts to features I might add to Bradism I have boring ideas for things like an iPhone app and "FaceBook integration" (aka the ability to sit on the fence between an entry and a status update).

One feature I was thinking about was to put on every entry, next to weather icon, what my facial hair was like that day:

  • Clean shaved
  • One day growth (aka still clean shaved)
  • Two day growth/the standard shaved my whole face with the trimmer attachment
  • Three day growth, probably didn't leave the house today
  • Four or greater days growth - sick, camping or recovering from surgery.
  • Other

With this data and a large enough sample size I'd be able to eventually data mine my posts to find out what kind of patterns I display in relation to my facial hair. This would allow me to do some modelling/projections and customise my beard for whatever the goal or objective of the day was. Sounds crazy I know, but imagine if you described the iPad to someone from the 1980s. Same exact thing.

Today I am other, which is rare but I'll fill in the details. Occasionally Vanessa leaves her tweezers on the bathroom counter and I can't resist the temptation to tweeze randomly. Last week I got carried away and plucked the straggler hairs east and west of my lips.

Obviously tweezers are still a novelty to me because I didn't really appreciate how far below the surface hair has to extend before it becomes stubble again, and it still hasn't resurfaced in those areas, meaning separation exists between my moustache and beard. After reaching 3.5 days growth this morning I decided to trim down my entire face as usual but I left the moustache as is. This brings me to other.

Personally I think this gives me a bit of a Derrick Rose attitude, and it will continue to do that until I next have to go to the office. Vanessa as she often does had a different perspective, basically summarised "as it makes my nose hair look longer than they normally do."

Obviously I'm tweezing the wrong areas.



I dare you to tweeze your nose hairs champ. In doing so "Other" will subsequently be defined as "tear stained stubble"...

May 18 2010 - Like

I would endorse this :-)#
I dreamt I grew a beard the other night. It was glorious. Sigh.

May 18 2010 - Like

I don't see what's so bad about tweezing nose hairs.
Some of the things that have come from my body and which surprised me with their largeness or impressiveness have been nose hairs.

May 18 2010 - Like
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