I once wrote that someone told me that "Brad, your journal entries are terrible but sometimes the last line is good."
That was ten years ago, and at some point in my thirties I decided to set a reminder to write a sequel to that entry using only the last lines from entries from August 2014 - August 2024.
Last Lines Only - Part 2
They say every day is a gift, but I'm notoriously tricky to buy for. Anyway, that’s the excuse I use when I laugh out loud at my own jokes from 2013. How quickly things change over eighteen years. I guess the moral is, enjoy what you've got while you've got it. Despite all the dark parts of life, I'm undeniably privileged to post photos of summer sunsets on my journal year after year, without fear of persecution, isolation, pterodactyls, etc. That's why I only eat fruit I grew on work nights. Other than finding and eating a bulk meal curry in my freezer from September, this was the most exciting thing that happened to me in the final week of October, 2019. Maybe that's going to be a theme.
I went for a walk around the neighbourhood, enjoying the golden, sunny light knowing nearly everyone I was passing had never deployed serverless to the cloud. We saw no ducklings and were rained on several times. Plumbing is not like IT. I've never measured myself diagonally. Yes, I did find a way to make World War One all about me. It had been a mentally intense elevator ride. Those are called Bradisms. In my facial hair's defence, I did have to set it back an hour last weekend. Note, you may need to become an emperor and execute a Duke for this to work. This was not exactly an inspirational tale, but it was more inspiring than the history of Ptolemy VIII. BAM, unlimited coat-hangers for the rest of your life.
So if I want to write a great novel I need to practice and write a terrible novel, or else I might end my life being very good at writing only the beginnings of novels. But I know the moment I do it some Sherpa is going to use my backpack like a step-ladder, clamber onto my shoulders and steal my glory, leaving me with little recourse and an awkward silence the whole way back home. I guess that being tall makes it harder to avoid small talk. I was like, hmm, this is what it's like being in senior management. Then I think, oooh, free banana!
This week has been so cold and miserable that I bought a turnip to eat just to cheer myself up. Tonight I went to a 60th birthday party at the zoo with canapes and birthday cake and I was served four different animals. The horse helped me burn off a lot of oats. I mean, there are definitely victims, but the trick is to not be one. After that it could get really interesting, culinarily and otherwise. Stay tuned for analysis and stats. Guess I'll have to stick with the Zooper Doopers a while longer. Don't even get me started on the desk ergonomics. I didn't take photos of any of this.
Life has not been boring recently. But sometimes, especially since I turned 30, I do find myself tipping half the frozen berries packet into the blender instead of only a third. The obvious moral is, no matter if you focus on multiple goals, or just try and get by, ultimately we're all going to die anyway. Also, I doubt LeBron is buying the week old cabbages and capsicums from the front of the fruit and veg shop, making bulk lentil vindaloo with them, then eating them after ten days in the fridge. And it was delicious. This went on for 300 seconds. I like to think I have an average-to-good understanding of the basics of economics, politics and marketing so this wasn't particularly amazing. If we ever get an annual public holiday to commemorate global peace, I wonder what cookie there'll be to celebrate it and how big Vanessa will bake it. Maybe I'm also feeling good because I intentionally avoided reading the news for two and a half days.
Anyway, this summary doesn't have a satisfying conclusion because it's just a transition to the next one of these in however many years. Honestly I have too many sunset cows for a single entry, so contact me directly if you need more. Whatever happens next, I’ll try to journal it. Works every time.