Casual Friday Breakfast III - Plus Plus Plus
It’s cold and suddenly I have way less options when it comes to breakfast. Too icy in the morning for smoothies, not enough time before work to make something hot, no particular preference for porridge. The pantry of winter is full of ghosts: memories of summer, strange fruits are in season. Winter is a time for cereal.
The first day of Winter was the day I decided I would create the ultimate bowl of Plus. It was Winter, or me saying to the Woolworth’s catalogue “Oh, Weet Bix Crunch is three dollars this week” and Vanessa overhearing and reminding me that there were seven boxes of Uncle Toby’s Plus in the cupboard which I’d convinced her to buy a few months ago and then never opened.
Whatever the reason, the time was right. It had been months since I first had the brilliant idea to apply advanced mathematics to breakfast and sum all the pluses. I like Plus, but it’s almost always been a garnish for me. Something to tip on the top of a banana or almonds or oats or all of the above. It didn’t make sense for there to be so many different options. Why did I have to choose between reducing my risk of cancer and improving my cholesterol? What happens if I spent all evening at the gym, but spent the rest of the day eating candy (the Lamar Odom diet)? What if I was going to play sports that day, but also wanted to wear my pink jumper to the shops? Why would I ever eat Muesli Plus and forsake all of the above?
Casual Friday Breakfast presented my chance to combine seven cereal types in one bowl. Here they are all in a row. A series of cereals. Sports Plus is missing because I threw away the box, but there was some left in a packet which you’ll see in the bowl below.
Cons: Negatives first, this was a lot of food and took all of sixty seconds before everything tasted the same. The only exception being the dried berries in the Essentials for Women Plus that brightened up every seventh spoonful. Maybe I’m not used to cereal when it doesn’t have Weet Bix beneath it to absorb most of the moisture. Even though I was incredibly full half way through eating it, I was still considering adding some Two Fruits and maybe some Weet Bix.
Pros: Where to start? My muscles felt good. I didn’t die from cancer. I only needed three squares. I had great focus. I didn’t even need coffee for some reason. Work today ended up being extremely frenetic and I was able to concentrate on several important tasks at once without having to worry if I had to take my fish oil.
Improvement in Productivity: I achieved a lot in the seven hours following breakfast because I didn’t have to worry about finding anything to eat again during that time.
Casual Friday Rating: Three working from home and having time to put a load of washing on so that you didn’t have to waste ten minutes of your weekend to do it out of five.