Coding Soldier

Added Entry/Article Insertion to the Log
Added Create Story interface re-using add entry code
Added better comment handling for article comments (re-used entry handling comments)
Added upload image link for entries
Added handler to upload to auto-insert image code into the requesting text-area
Added 'Music' as article category
Added Text links to 6 most recent articles at base of menu
Added ability to insert articles into journal entries and to create articles by combining existing articles
Fixed display.php to show rating information discriminative to article or music.

0.87 2007-01-14
Installed Bradism Spam Destroyer (version 0.0002) that encourages spammers to register.
Now store top/bottom icons as records in options and added js/php to handle changing this
Added (more) link for articles when inserted into journal entries.
Entries which are less than 1000 characters and contain an insert article call will have their comment script insert comments for that article instead of the entry. The entries comments will also be sourced from the article it links to.
Modified the image class to use getimage.php instead of the absolute path.
Non-Phocumentary stories now display an icon (if one exists) under the article title and date.

Let me know when you find any bugs.



I like it!

January 10 2007 - Like

I just found a bug on my bedroom floor

January 10 2007 - Like
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Promoted Entry: I Can't See My House From Here

After nine days of driving, relaxing, hiking and driving some more today I reached what most certainly was the furthest point of the road trip. From Lower Beechmont I drove up the very long, extremely windy Lamington National Park Road to Green Mountains - an experience both twisty and magnificent.

Promoted Entry: Le Petit Train

I did not put a lot of effort into planning my visit to Strasbourg. There was an Alltrails map that promised a thorough tour of this World Heritage district and I took it at its word.

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