6 until 6 on the 6th

In six days - on the sixth of September - the sun will be out at 6pm. For the first time since April. This means that if it takes you half an hour to get home from work you will have an equal amount of time to enjoy sunlight before it dissappears. From that point it just gets better.

22 days until House starts again.
24 days until NBL season begins.
34 days until Daylight Savings.
57 days until NBA season begins.
61 days until average maximum temperature is 25 degrees.
77 days until my wrist works again.
91 days until Summer!


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Promoted Entry: Winter 2018

Winter is over! As well as another three months of me making a video every day.

Promoted Entry: Five Lessons from Speculate 18

Too much for me summarise in a review. Instead, I thought I'd share a single takeaway and challenge from each of the sessions.

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