I've been writing a lot of brain entries in my head lately. These are like journal entries written in my brain instead of on the internet.
I only really like writing trivial or melodramatic entries and while I write many in my head it's hard to find time to turn them into casual prose. The things I deal with instead at the moment aren't life threatening or anything, more what you'd have to define as "growing up". Lame.

Obviously I'm so journalisticly unfit at the moment as well that I also get mentally puffed just walking to the starting line. You can't expect to eat a dozen weet bix for breakfast straight off the bat. You need a few bite sized, facebook update style journal entries to get started.
I'm going to do them all at once.

I went to an appointment at SportsMed to see a new ortho about my knee and in the waiting room I went "ooh, they have chairs specifically for tall people. They do like athletes here."
Turns out the chairs were for people on crutches.

I saw a want ad for Nightfill staff at Bunnings. Was very tempted. In a mid-life crisis movie plot kind of way.

My real job has been relocated to the suburbs, right after I moved to within walking distance of my city building. Now instead of walking to work I have to drive and on that drive I will see my old work out the window as I cross over a bridge. If I get asked in a job interview why I left my old job I'll tell them they took the jobs out of Adelaide. I won't hint that they went 10 minutes down the road.

New work building looks like a prison.

On Friday I found $10 on the ground at work. It reminded me of this quote, which made me laugh another few dollars worth.
G.O.B.: I'm making a magic video. I'm going to tape myself doing tricks around the office. I'm calling it Tricks... let me finish... Around the Office. I figured out a way to make money while I'm working!
Michael: That is what we call working.

There were way more but when you don't write them down things of these importance tend to leave you.

I wonder how this move is going to affect Dale.


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Promoted Entry: Winter 2018

Winter is over! As well as another three months of me making a video every day.

Promoted Entry: Sunrise

Today was always going to be the best day of the year to see a sunrise.

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