Three Footage

So I got one of these Smartphone Gorillapods so that I can take movies with my phone on a tripod. This helps me take videos on my phone which aren't super shaky. This means I can focus on taking videos of my dog in hopes of monetizing her cuteness via YouTube to pay for her ear infection vet bills. Actually, Pet Insurance covers that so the YouTube ad money will go towards the Pet Insurance.

Here's the first video I made with it. See how stable it is!

I also got one of these camera dollys, sadly my giant phone does not fit into the clamp. Fortunately I found a solution for that too:

image 1382 from


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Promoted Entry: Books of 2021

A review of all the books I gave 5 stars in 2021. In alphabetical order.

Promoted Entry: The Hidden Life of Trees

I love trees. They're tall and stoic, so I relate to them. I feel a sense of serenity and belonging when walking beneath an ancient forest canopy and that is not just because most ancient forest canopies I've walked under have been adjacent to a thriving craft beer industry

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