
Coff-a-Soup. It's a thing I invented at work where you make a coffee at the start of the day, get too busy to wash your mug, and then at morning tea-time you decide to make a soup because it's chilly and through the windows outside you can see nothing but gloomy clouds.

Because I know what will fix BPM configuration issues, it's rehydrated creamy chicken and herb soup, with a hint of Blend 43.

Coopy. This is a drink enjoyed in the afternoon, pretty much anytime after 3pm and whoever is talking to you and asking questions goes away. So, pencil in 3:15. It's a drink where you make another mug of instant coffee and try not to fill it up all the way to the top where the leftover flakes of chives are dried on.

Coff-a-Coopy. So, when you get to work the next day and you really need a coffee..


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