Last night I went to bed at midnight. I don't know why because I got up at 1pm but I was just feeling tired. I fell asleep, woke up at 2:30pm, thought ”crap, I'm not going to be able to get back to sleep”, looked at the clock again and it was 5:30. I usually go to sleep at this time and here I was half way through the night. I then spent another 40 minutes trying to get back to sleep. I had some seriously fucked up dreams, lots of them. Nothing worth noting though. Oh, except that Vivek came to my party a few weeks ago and I hugged him though he was displeased by that and he gave me 15 M&Ms.
I slept 10 hours and probably would've slept more except Steve came round and yelled at me to wake up and let him in, so I did. Then I watched some episodes of Micallef Programme Season Deux then went and played Cricket in the nets with Mark, Happy and Chow. Ah, so poor.
Then I worked 3 hours of perishables followed by 3 hours of nightfill. After the whole day my feet hurt. Here are some nightfill insights for my benefit more than yours:

  • Tuna cans make good aisle lawn bowls.
  • When you crash your flat top into someone elses flat top which they have left untended on the side of an aisle it is polite to leave a note with your name and insurance information.
  • Don't believe it when someone is doing a deep face up and has their hand reaching to the back of the shelf and then pretends to get ”sucked in” by a creature and knocks a whole fuckload of cans onto the ground.
  • Finding all the products in the store that cost 69cents isn't immature. Neither is taking them all to a checkout, waiting for the receipt that says ”69” 31 times and then winking suggestively and saying ”how about it?”. Running away giggling without paying is also the responsible thing to do.
  • Permanent-Part Time? Fuck that Shit you Mother Fuckers.


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