
I keep the kitchen clean with this scourer-sponge.

image 1966 from

It's forbidden to use the scouring pad on the stainless steel cooktop. Occasionally it comes close when I'm cleaning the bench adjacent. Sometimes I'll let the scourer brush the edge of the metal. Nothing forceful, barely touching the surface. It gives me a little rush.

Maybe - not often - I lay the scourer against the cooktop. Not pressing down, no movement. Just contact, knowing that at any moment I could grind that rough pad against the shiny, smooth surface. I could scrape along the length of the steel, back and forth. I hold it until I lose count of the seconds. Then I lift it up until it's almost but not quite touching. I slide it away, leaving no mark, until the cooktop ends.

That's how I keep the kitchen clean.


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