
Two weeks ago I received my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID19. Which means unless I'm extremely unlucky I'll have successfully survived the first pandemic of the twenty-first century

Physiologically at least. As for ideologically, economically, socially, psychologically and culturally it remains to be seen.

This assumes there will be no new variants.



Goddamn Journal Jinxes

December 29 2021 - Like
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Next Entry: September in the Garden

There's a lot that happens in the garden between the last cold and grey day in August and the (admittedly also cold and grey) first day of October. Leaves re-emerge.

Promoted Entry: Books of 2021

A review of all the books I gave 5 stars in 2021. In alphabetical order.

Promoted Entry: I Can't See My House From Here

After nine days of driving, relaxing, hiking and driving some more today I reached what most certainly was the furthest point of the road trip. From Lower Beechmont I drove up the very long, extremely windy Lamington National Park Road to Green Mountains - an experience both twisty and magnificent.

Previous Entry: Blue Skies

Good day for cooking schnitzels on top of cliffs.

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