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Next Entry: Speechless 2

I was thinking yesterday while explaining some Mulesoft concepts how much I enjoy the flywheel of parallel consulting. Nothing forces you to learn something better than having to explain it to someone else.

Promoted Entry: I Can't See My House From Here

After nine days of driving, relaxing, hiking and driving some more today I reached what most certainly was the furthest point of the road trip. From Lower Beechmont I drove up the very long, extremely windy Lamington National Park Road to Green Mountains - an experience both twisty and magnificent.

Promoted Entry: The Hidden Life of Trees

I love trees. They're tall and stoic, so I relate to them. I feel a sense of serenity and belonging when walking beneath an ancient forest canopy and that is not just because most ancient forest canopies I've walked under have been adjacent to a thriving craft beer industry

Previous Entry: Utopia Avenue

I reached the end of the excellent today. It took me a few weeks.

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