
Not a very busy weekend was had, but it was pretty good. It marked the end of another relationship for me, Emily. Other than that it was quiet.
We lost basketball again on Saturday, the fourth loss in a row in the league. It wasn't all bad though as it was a physical game so I enjoyed myself plenty. Right at the end I also got to break up a fight. Not exactly a common occurrence yet not really noteworthy either, except for the excellent segue it provided me for on the phone with Emily.
"How was my day? Pretty quiet, yeah we lost basketball but I got to break up a fight! Oh, speaking of breaking up..."
Seriously though, I don't understand why girls take break-ups so personally.
This evening I spent sifting through 1700 photos my camera has taken since May 2003 for my 21st photo board. I know usually the responsibility for that goes to someone other than the guest of honour, but of the 1700 photos there are probably one or two that mum shouldn't see. She's doing the rest. I told her I wanted a photo board that was bigger than all my friends. I think that's because I really like myself.
Just the last 28 months of my life that those photos cover, they make me smile. My life's been pretty good lately and I think it's made me a little less depressed about turning 21. But in a week, I'm almost 22!



Please take pictures of the photoboard.

21! Worry about 22 when you're 23.

August 23 2005 - Like
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