Spring Cleaning

I finished my last subject today, wearing only a shirt and jeans in the warm weather, and walked up the hill to my car passing several swarms of butterflies and pollen.
"What a nice day!" I said to myself, still slightly elated with my completion of my English Find-a-Word game that I'd just spent the lecture playing.
After starting my car, killing several butterflies accidentally and then getting home it was still nice so I had myself an Ice Coffee (see Friday's entry) and then decided now was the time for some Spring Cleaning.
It originally only started as changing my sheets and vacuuming my room, but somehow I got carried away and no sooner than I knew it I'd pulled everything out of my room and was Mr. Sheening every wood surface I could find.
Eight hours passed, some of them spent divulging in past life documentation that I'd uncover but most of them being spent moving and cleaning. Eventually it got to 2am and I realised that my bed base was covered in junk, my mattress was in the living room and all my bed linen was in the cupboard still. So I decided to post a journal entry.
My room is still very messy and there is a lot of new stuff everywhere. I think this happened because about an hour into Spring Cleaning there was thunder then lightning and then lots of rain. I knew I should have held off two more days!
Two of my favourite things to find during the clean were lecture notes from past semesters. The first being one where on the back Mark, Ryan and I played three player connect FOUR. I won.
The second lecture note had a diagram of many java beans in a java bean pool having a glorious time swimming and being watched by a java bean lifeguard. On the back there were 3 games of hangman. One was the word "Huzzah" which is a very hard word to get in hangman but Ryan got it. There is "HI RYAN WE ARE PLAYING HANGMAN" which Ryan also got. Then I made a four letter one and put it in front of Dave and he wrote "FUCK OFF PLEASE" on the paper and the word was "BEAN" so he got two letters right and surprisingly didn't die but then I only counted each letter once and there is three F's in that.



God I hate Dave.

August 30 2005 - Like
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