Predictable Parallels

This whole week each lunch time had held so much promise. I could go anywhere, eat anything. Each day was like an empty plate waiting to be ladled upon.

I made plans with Mum to meet her for lunch as she is currently working across the street. A few hours from lunch, however, she called and advised me of a meeting she'd forgotten and I was told she couldn't make it. It was OK though, I could go anywhere; I could eat anything.

1:30 came around and I reflexively locked my workstation and grabbed my glasses. I was in the elevator by the time I realised that I still didn't know where to go. All I knew is that I wanted something cheap, tasty as well as a quiet spot to read the paper and I knew where I could get it very easily.

As I approached the café my heart started beating faster. What was I doing? Why was their breakfast menu still out? Could I break the vow I made? Was I really coming back here for the cause of another journal entry.

I walked in and joined the line. There were no smiling faces from behind the counter. The mid-50's woman who works the grill and asks 'how are you' brushed past me to clear some plates and possibly dropped her shoulder. It had been too many days.

Oh God. They know about the journal. They've read it and they're going to kill me. I knew it was a bad idea to try and increase Google ad clicks by markering '' on my money.

I ordered and went to buy a paper while it was prepared - the café was out. I sat to wait and my sandwich did not come quickly. When it did arrive, I was asked if I'd like cutlery. Suddenly the adrenaline left. I wasn't predictable. I wasn't a regular. I was normal. Lunch was still nice and after I got my bill I still had cash left for a Coke Zero. No one said "seeya next time" as they collected my plate and I sighed contentedly to myself as I scooped my change back in my wallet. One clink of a coin stopped time.

Four dollars change...

I looked up at the menu, the world slowly going out of focus and spinning behind me. '$6.90'.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. The man behind the counter winked at me.
'To pay for the paper', he smiled.

Wordlessly, I put my sunglasses on my head, walked out the door. It was at that moment I knew I would never eat there again.



If there was no lunch umpire you should have called the grill woman for a charge. You have to call your own fouls on the street, man.

March 30 2006 - Like

You are weak! Where's the courage of your convictions!

March 31 2006 - Like

You really need to get a life dude. who really cares!

March 31 2006 - Like

Ah "Coby" you must have got one of my 'What is Bradism?' $5 notes.

March 31 2006 - Like

Hmm - not sure that the ironic and joking tone of the "you are weak" comment came through in text. Let me try again:

You are weak ;) Where's the courage of your convictions ;)


March 31 2006 - Like

Oh yeah, that last comment was me. Forgot to fill out my name.

March 31 2006 - Like

I fixed the name up to assist your bid for top commenters spot. I'll also look into implementing a winky emoticon to, once again, assist your bid for top commenters spot.

April 2 2006 - Like

The lack of a winky emoticon - the lack of any emoticons, for that matter - will not deter me in my bid for top commenter. It shall be mine.

Out of interest, what am I aiming at exactly? Am I, like, 500 comments away from #1, or 50?

April 2 2006 - Like

How ironic. just after I posted that, I saw those funny little circles on the gith hand side and found what they link to. So I'm on 15 after this comment, and Zippo is way up there on 110 (I'm going to conveniently ignore your standing, Brad). So, um, 95 to go.

April 2 2006 - Like

Did I say "gith hand side"? I believe I did. If it wasn't typed by a retard, that would have read "right hand side".


April 2 2006 - Like

If you were less of a retard you might have noticed the smiley list in the BCode guide :)

April 2 2006 - Like

I don't see him as a threat. I wouldn't want to be Mark though...

April 2 2006 - Like

I did notice the smiley list, but defiantly wanted to use my own smiley anyway. So there.

Pffft, Mark is so pwned. With this post, no less.

April 3 2006 - Like

Well, OK, pwned with this post.

marco, you're so next.

April 3 2006 - Like
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