
With music and life summarised I can get back to what I do best: social stumblings, health-faggery and wobbling independence.

San Remo make an excellent line of wholemeal pasta, which until recently was limited to only spaghetti and spirals. Some time recently they expanded to include penne. I'm not sure when, because I last bought pasta back in September when it was 19c off and I grabbed two baskets worth, but sometime since then it's been introduced. Wholemeal Penne is so much better for you than regular Penne, obviously. Because... it's got more fibre or something. It's brown.

Note: Penne collapses and condenses a lot more than you think when you put sauce on it. My lunchware was topping out when I left for work, but when I got it out to reheat at lunchtime it had sunk about an inch downwards. Most people are probably familiar with this. But if you've been eating only wholemeal pasta the past few years you won't have had a chance to experience this yourself until now.

Also, bacon. I'm not even sure I like bacon really. I like the principal of bacon, but when I eat it in a meal I'm never really sure if I can taste bacon. I didn't put any in my carbonara and I didn't miss it at all. Now to work out what to put the $4 a month I save on bacon towards.



Not a big fan of the bigger noodles; however I do like that sometimes sauce goes inside the noodle which makes a little nifty reservoir so the bite is more flavorful. Bacon is hard to discern in sauces, but I definitely notice it in sandwiches.

December 18 2008 - Like
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